About the Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt
In 1839, immigrants from the historic Pomerania region of Germany and Poland settled
in what is now western Mequon and called their new home Freistadt, or “free city.” They have since been recognized as Wisconsin’s first German settlers, and the legacy of their settlement can still be seen today in Wisconsin’s oldest Lutheran church, Trinity Freistadt, as well as a historic site, three cemeteries, a cultural preservation organization, and us, the Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt.
In 1976, the United States celebrated its bicentennial anniversary, and families in Freistadt added to the local festivities by hosting a Pomeranian dance group from Germany, Tanz- und Speeldeel Ihna (now Tanz- und Folkloreensemble Ihna). Under the direction of Eike Haenel, the dancers performed at festivals across Southeastern Wisconsin before extending their hosts an invite to visit them in the German city of Erlangen the following year.
In 1977, forty members of the Freistadt community flew out to Erlangen and began learning Pomeranian folk dances from Eike’s parents, Karl Haenel and Hildegard Haenel. Eventually, the Haenels returned to the US to continue teaching and stayed for almost two months until the dancers and musicians in Freistadt were ready to continue on their own. Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt, Inc. (literally the “Pomeranian dancers of Freistadt”) was organized soon after with a mission to preserve the artistic traditions of Pomerania.
In the decades since PTF began, we’ve learned over 100 folk songs from the Baltic Sea region; brought history to life through educational performances more than 1,000 times at festivals, showcases, and events around Wisconsin, the US, and the world; and have welcomed hundreds of members into our community for an immersive, educational experience in Pomeranian culture and Wisconsin history. Despite all that we have accomplished in four decades, some things haven’t changed much - you can still find us gathering in community to dance, play, and sew on Tuesday evenings at the Lindenwood School Community Center in Freistadt. To learn more about joining PTF as a dancer or musician, we invite you to explore our membership page. To learn more about hiring PTF to perform at your event, we encourage you to visit our bookings page.